
Here you will find the latest project blogs with writing, artwork, photos and videos from the D4D team and community.

Evolution – Development Process

A workshop exploring the development process of a virtual reality interactive artwork that looks at the troubling legacy of eugenics.

Electric Bodies animations

line drawing of a skull with a mohican

Electric Bodies is a series of eight poetry cycles by Allan Sutherland taken from the transcripts of oral history interviews with practitioners from within the Disability Arts Movement. Within the context of the D4D project Electric Bodies aims to examine aspects of disabled artists lives that give voice to some of the main concerns of the disability arts movement. As part of the program Mark Hetherington made the following series of animations, using drawings by Colin Hambrook illustrating Allan Sutherland’s transcription poetry cycles

The Bushwick Book Club presents artistic responses to Tanvir Bush’s ‘Cull’

A very large cake with the CULL novel cover design on it

On Saturday 25 January 2020, the Bushwick Book Club presented artists’ responses to CULL, Tanvir Bush’s sharp, outrageous, and uncomfortable satire about the deadly underside side of discrimination. Author and researcher Dr. Tanvir Bush, wrote this dark satire about the current British welfare system highlighting the desperate plight of disabled people in Britain today.

Leaky Robots – exploring ways a Robot Double can support access to culture for disabled people

still from film

Praminda Caleb-Solly is Co Investigator on the Catch Me If You Can project and team leader for assisted living in the Bristol Robotics Laboratory at UWE. For Catch Me If You Can she has been developing a series of events called Leaky Robots – these events are exploring ways a Robot Double can support access to culture for disabled people  as well as the role new technologies play in giving disabled people greater independence. The Robot Doubledevice is designed to give agency and autonomy through a remote connection.

Disconsortia – A DIY Disabled Artist-Led Takeover

performance photo

As part of DAO’s Electric Bodies project – Disconsortia brought twenty disabled artists from the North East of England together at the ARC arts centre in Stockton on 6th and 7th November 2019. Producer Vici Wreford-Sinnott reflects on the impact of the workshop and cabaret events on the disability arts community.

Disconsortia – A Lyrical Essay

portrait shot of a young woman running a workshop

As part of DAO’s Electric Bodies project – Disconsortia, produced by Vici Wreford-Sinnott – brought twenty disabled artists from the North East of England together at the ARC arts centre in Stockton. Writer-in-residence Lisette Auton reflects on the two-day workshop.

Hate crime, intersectionaility and the Academy

photo of workshop

Dr Tanvir Bush reports on a workshop at Bath University on 31 October, 2019. The theme was ‘Disability and hate crime in higher education’ and was part of a newly created six-week course titled ‘Tackling Hate Crime in Higher Education.’.